Moby Dick
(OverDrive Listen)
One of the great works of American literature, Moby-Dick is the epic tale of one man's fight against a force of nature. The outcast youth Ishmael, succumbing to wanderlust during a dreary New England autumn, signs up for passage aboard a whaling ship. The Pequod sails under the command of the one-legged Captain Ahab, who has set himself on a monomaniacal quest to capture the cunning white whale that robbed him of his leg: Moby-Dick. Capturing life on the sea with robust realism, Melville details the adventures of the colorful crew aboard the ship as Ahab pursues his crusade of revenge, heedless of all cost. This masterfully symbolic drama of the conflict between man and his fate has a special intensity that listeners will not soon forget.
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Level 5.3, 2 Points
Reviews from GoodReads
Herman Melville. (2009). Moby Dick. Unabridged Blackstone Publishing.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Herman Melville. 2009. Moby Dick. Blackstone Publishing.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Herman Melville, Moby Dick. Blackstone Publishing, 2009.
MLA Citation (style guide)Herman Melville. Moby Dick. Unabridged Blackstone Publishing, 2009.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- bioText:
Herman Melville (1819–1891) was born in New York. Family hardships forced him to leave school for various occupations, including shipping as a cabin boy to Liverpool in 1839—a voyage that sparked his love for the sea. A shrewd social critic and philosopher in his fiction, he is considered an outstanding writer of the sea and a great stylist who mastered both realistic narrative and a rich, rhythmical prose.
- name: Herman Melville
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- Blackstone Publishing
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- 2009-01-27T00:00:00Z
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- Unabridged
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- Moby Dick
- fullDescription
One of the great works of American literature, Moby-Dick is the epic tale of one man's fight against a force of nature. The outcast youth Ishmael, succumbing to wanderlust during a dreary New England autumn, signs up for passage aboard a whaling ship. The Pequod sails under the command of the one-legged Captain Ahab, who has set himself on a monomaniacal quest to capture the cunning white whale that robbed him of his leg: Moby-Dick. Capturing life on the sea with robust realism, Melville details the adventures of the colorful crew aboard the ship as Ahab pursues his crusade of revenge, heedless of all cost. This masterfully symbolic drama of the conflict between man and his fate has a special intensity that listeners will not soon forget.
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- value: Grade 4
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- value: Thriller
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- 1/27/2009
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- shortDescription
One of the great works of American literature, Moby-Dick is the epic tale of one man's fight against a force of nature. The outcast youth Ishmael, succumbing to wanderlust during a dreary New England autumn, signs up for passage aboard a whaling ship. The Pequod sails under the command of the one-legged Captain Ahab, who has set himself on a monomaniacal quest to capture the cunning white whale that robbed him of his leg: Moby-Dick. Capturing life on the sea with robust realism, Melville details the adventures of the colorful crew aboard the ship as Ahab pursues his crusade of revenge, heedless of all cost. This masterfully symbolic drama of the conflict between man and his fate has a special intensity that listeners will not soon forget.
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- Moby Dick
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- 740
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- Blackstone Publishing
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- description: Fiction / Action & Adventure
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- description: Fiction / Classics
- code: FIC047000
- description: Fiction / Sea Stories